Friday, January 18, 2013

Post New Year Resolutions

Today, I want to talk about change. 
What with the new year and all that, I think it's time I made a little changes around myself.
I don't particularly celebrate the new year. I party the reasonable amount that your average Delhi-ite is expected to, even reply to a few "Happy New Year" forwards with their assorted and colorful articulation and sometimes even remember to wish a few people when I head back to college in January.
But beyond that I don't generally hold on to any particularly "new-beginning" type feeling for the new year. While others are busy making resolutions they don't intend to follow, making plans that won't materialize and meeting people they didn't even know last year, I spend my day making "See-you-next-year!" jokes.

But, I think a change is long overdue. The girl in black converse has come a long way, what with college, moving to a new city, making new friends and suffering a long list of heartbreaks. 
My self-depracating, sarcastic and too-frank attitude needs a little turnabout. So much as I HATE change of any sort, I've decided I'm going to be a new person. So here's a list of my new year's resolutions, albeit a little late.

1. Get a better grade. Because a little education never hurt anybody.

2. Have new experiences. Because "been-to-every-club-in-Delhi" isn't nearly as fun as it sounds.

3. Stop hating. Because what's the point? Everybody has a story as unique as your own.

4. Get out of bed. Because nothing good was ever achieved by people who refused to get out of bed.

5. Write more. Because it makes me feel good. And maybe click more pictures.

6. Let go. Because until you let go of your past, you can't make way for the future.

So there I have it. 
My list of post-New Year resolutions.
Let's see how many I actually keep up to!

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