Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Trapped by these empty walls,
Surrounded by my demons
They feed on me, you watch me die
Indifferent, looking away, as I lie
Arms outstretched, drenched in blood
Crying out for mercy,
My screams pervade the air
But you don't even care

Nothing left but a whisper
A ghost of a past that was
It mocks my so called life
Just a parody of lies
A circus of decay

The dead on the merry-go-round
Leering, smirking clowns
Acrobats swinging, Lions circling
Awaiting the crack of the whip.
And the ringmaster awakens
Contemplates his decision
His dark,brooding, staring eyes
Hiding acts of evil inside,
'Crack', And it's the end.
My fate is sealed.

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